




陈刚博士目前担任香港中文大学(深圳)医学院生命与健康科学学院副教授。他于2001年本科毕业于中国科技大学化学系,后赴美国罗切斯特大学(Univ. of Rochester)化学系(2001-2005)攻读生物物理化学博士学位,先后于美国加州大学伯克利分校化学系(UC Berkeley, 2006-2009)和美国斯克利普斯研究所分子生物学系(Scripps Research, 2009-2010)从事博士后研究。他于2010年加入新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU, Singapore)数理科学院化学与生物化学系并担任助理教授。2020年,他加入香港中文大学(深圳)。研究团队从事RNA结构分子识别研究。2010年独立研究后,在NAR、JACS等发表通讯或共同通讯论文25篇、受邀WIREs RNA、NCB、Biopolymers等写综述/专评,主题/特邀报告40多次,于2018年在Biochemistry杂志为Future of Biochemistry专刊撰文。现任BB Reports副主编和BBA Mol Cell Res编委。参与申请PCT专利2项(其中一项进入国家阶段),发表SCI论文40余篇,被引1,400多次。研究亦引起工业界和投资界的兴趣。研究团队开发出新型肽核酸dbPNA可与dsRNA形成序列特异性三链体,但与dsDNA和ssRNA的结合显著弱化。所构筑新型肽核酸能克服其他功能分子所面临的无法程式化(例如传统小分子)或无法识别RNA结构(例如传统反义核酸)的缺陷。构建不同dbPNA可靶向甲型流感RNA启动子结构并抑制病毒复制;抑制Dicer作用于miRNA前体;调控核糖体移码效率。dbPNA平台分子与传统反义链和小分子可以成为互补的RNA分子识别策略。今后着重研究RNA结构的分子识别机制和模式,开发新型分子应用于诊疗癌症、病毒感染和渐冻人症等疾病。研究得到了新加坡教育部(3项Tier 2)和中国国家自然科学基金(1项面上)资助。

A postdoc position is available inthe Laboratory of RNA Structure Molecular Recognition and Precision Medicine, led by Prof. Gang CHEN 

(Lab webpage:  


in the School of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen)

Dr. Gang CHEN received his B.S. degree in Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2001. He did his Ph.D. studies with Prof. Douglas TURNER (https://cen.acs.org/articles/88/i39/Doug-Turner-Named-Hammes-Lecturer.html ) in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester. His Ph.D. work involved thermodynamic and NMR studies of RNA internal loops. A better understanding of the sequence dependence of thermodynamics for RNA structures will improve the accuracy of the RNA secondary structure prediction programs such as MFOLD and RNAstructure. He earned his Ph.D. in 2005. He was a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Ignacio TINOCO’s lab in the Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley from January 2006 to June 2009. His research in Tinoco lab was on single-molecule mechanical unfolding and folding of RNA pseudoknots by laser optical tweezers, which provided new insights into ribosomal reading-frame regulation by cis-acting mRNA structures. He was a Research Associate in Prof. David MILLAR's lab in the Department of Molecular Biology at The Scripps Research Institute working on HIV-1 Rev-RRE assembly using single-molecule fluorescence techniques. In July 2010, he joined the faculty in the Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. In 2020, he  joined the School of Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-SZ).

Dr. Gang Chen has published 25 papers in the journals such as NAR and JACS as a corresponding or co-corresponding author. He has been invited to contribute review and perspective articles for the journals Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA (2015), Nat Chem Biol (2015), and Biopolymers (2022). He has given more than 40 invited talks. He was invited to contribute a research article for the journal Biochemistry in 2018 in a special issue on Future of Biochemistry. He is currently an associate editor of the journal BB Reports and an editorial board member of BBA Mol Cell Res. The industry and investment sectors have also been interested in the lab’s research. Dr Gang Chen’s group has developed highly selective novel peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) that bind to double-stranded RNA (dbPNAs) through the formation of sequence-specific triplexes, with significantly weakened affinities towards double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and single-stranded RNA (ssRNA). Specifically, Dr Gang Chen’s group has developed a dsRNA-binding PNA (dbPNA) platform with a new four-letter chemical code (T, L or R, E or S, and Q) for the recognition of RNA Watson–Crick duplexes, through the formation of major-groove triplexes. The uniquely designed dbPNAs have been shown to inhibit influenza A viral replication by targeting the viral RNA promoter duplex, inhibit Dicer activity on miRNA hairpin precursor, and regulate ribosomal frameshifting. Dr Gang Chen’s group is also developing new PNAs, antisense compounds, small molecules, and mRNAs for the regulation of RNA functions. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop a series of new drug molecules and diagnostic probes for fighting cancers, viral infections, and neurodegenerative diseases. 



The lab is currently working on developing novel peptide nucleic acids, small molecules, and mRNA platforms as potential therapeutics and biological/diagnostic tools targeting RNAs related to diseases (including cancer, viral and bacterial infection, neurodegenerative disease).  



We are looking for a candidate with research interest and background in synthesis, chemical biology or molecular biology



(一)A 档:(基本工资 20 万 绩效工资 12 万)/年;

(二)B 档:(基本工资 16 万 绩效工资 10 万)/年;

(三)经考核合格且符合深圳市相关规定的博士后,可获得深圳市博士后生活补贴 12万/次 *3次;


We are looking for a candidate with research interest and background in synthesis, or chemical biology, or molecular biology. The postdoc will be jointly employed by The South China Hospital of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen and will enjoy  

An annual salary of

o Level A: 200,000 RMB from the hospital and a bonus of 120,000 RMB.

o Level B: 160,000 RMB from the hospital and a bonus of 100,000 RMB.

A subsidy (360,000 RMB) during the two-year postdoc period. The employment may be renewable.



To apply, please send your application package (including a cover letter, CV, contact details of three referees) to chengang@cuhk.edu.cn


